BIBLE:   We seek to:

1. Have the students read the scriptures in context for themselves vs. only prescribed verses.

2. Understand God’s word through a historical-grammatical interpretation of the Bible. 

3. Let the Scriptures speak for themselves with clarifications and illustrations by the teacher. 

4. Teach the biblical pattern of salvation: Law before Grace.

5. Encourage each student to come to the Father, through the Son, and to grow in their knowledge and love of Him.

6. Equip our students with a Christian worldview that will serve as a lens through which they see every other subject and all of life.

7. Equip our students to graciously and wisely defend their faith as they refute unbelief in its various forms.

ENGLISH:  We seek to:

1. Equip every student with the skills necessary for good writing, including correct spelling and grammar,

pleasing style, clarity of focus, proof-reading, and self-correcting.

2. Emphasize good writing by requiring the students to write often and correctly in each subject area.

3. Encourage clear thinking by the students through requiring clear, focused, well-argued writing.

4. Teach students how to research and write on a set topic.

5. Require students to speak in formal settings on a regular basis.


1. Use phonics as the primary building blocks for teaching students to read.

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2. Introduce the students to high-quality literature.

3. Carefully monitor the student's reading abilities to ensure he is comprehending adequately, and is reading

fluently, both orally and silently. 

4. Wherever possible, integrate subjects like history and science into reading. 

5. Foster a life-long love of reading as our students are acquainted with great western literature.

6. Teach our students to understand and analyze both the form and content of literature.

7. Enable/encourage students to form critical judgments of literature based on careful attention to the text.

8. Encourage students to read literature that stretches their comprehension skills.

LATIN: We seek to:

1. Instruct the students in vocabulary and grammar to increase their fundamental understanding of English, the

history and writings of Western Civilization, and the Romance languages.

2. Reinforce the students’ understanding of English grammar.

3. Cultivate study and logical thinking through the study of Latin.

4. Encourage delight, curiosity, and attentiveness in students by teaching them to see the world through the

eyes of another language.

5. Provide students with the tools necessary to access original texts of our classical and Christian heritage.

MATHEMATICS:  We seek to:

1. Ensure that the students have a thorough mastery of basic mathematical functions and tables.

2. Put an emphasis on conceptual, as well as practical, understanding through the frequent use of multistep

story problems and applications to other disciplines, especially science.

3. Illustrate God's unchanging character through the timeless, logical mathematical systems He gave to man

through His gift of reason.


1. Teach the students that God is in control of history and He will determine its ultimate outcome (gospel

prevails, great commission is fulfilled).

2. Enable students to see God's hand in history by observing the effect His people have on history.

3. Employ a variety of informational sources and experiences (e.g. research, biographies, illustrations, field

trips, guest speakers, music, art, foods, architecture, etc.) to engage students in the study of history.

4. Equip students to understand the various types of historical causation, including (but not limited to)

environmental, cultural, ethical, and technological.

5. Encourage students to draw meaningful comparisons across different historical contexts.

6. Encourage students to display empathy for historical characters, understanding their actions and

experiences in context.

7. Equip students to retrieve and evaluate information from a variety of sources.

8. Provide students with a working knowledge of the flow of history, especially the rise and fall of various

civilizations, so that they can place new information in the appropriate context.

9. View history as a depository of God’s grace to mankind that we want to remember and pass on to the next


SCIENCE:   We seek to:

1. In the early years we will teach Genesis in a way that is clear and easy for a child to understand and believe.

This means that we will teach a literal six-day interpretation of the creation account. As students get older we

will teach the controversy in the classroom and encourage parents to help their students come to a Biblical

conclusion. As a school we affirm that naturalistic evolution is false, that God is the creator of all things, that

creation reveals his wisdom and power, that Adam was a historical person, and that man is unique from the


2. Teach the students the basic elements of both accounts (creation vs naturalistic evolution) and that both

systems are based on either sound or unsound faith.

3. Show the students that, because God made the universe “ex nihilo”, it has inherent order which in turn

makes it possible to hypothesize and experiment (scientific method), as well as to identify, classify, and

categorize elements of creation. 

4. Treat the study of science as a part of the study of history. That is, show the students the natural integration

between the advances, individuals, and applications of science, with the development of historical events

within the cultures studied.

5. Use many forms of instruction to teach science, particularly identifying, classifying, categorizing,

experimenting, demonstrating, collecting, integrating with history and math, and experiencing guest lectures

and field trips. 

ART:  We seek to:

1. Teach all our students the basic fundamentals of drawing to enable them to create adequate renderings.

2. Encourage the students to appreciate and imitate the beauty of the creation in their own works.

3. Introduce the students to masters' works of the Western culture.

4. Equip the students to knowledgeably use a variety of art media.

5. Enable our students to refine their artistic abilities and become more proficient.

MUSIC: We seek to:

1. Train the students to sing joyfully, skillfully, and with understanding to the Lord.

2. Instruct the students in the fundamentals of music listening, reading, writing and performing.

3. Expose students to, and equip them with, a broad range of musical genres and styles including western folk

music, classical music, psalms, and hymns.

4. Teach students to recognize objectively fitting, aesthetic beauty in different genres of music.


1. Systematically work with the students to teach them basic exercises and game skills.

2. Challenge and encourage our students to love God with all of their strength as they exercise and compete.

3. Teach cooperation, teamwork, endurance, humility, and good sportsmanship.

4. Physical health glorifies God and facilitates God glorifying endeavors.