Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you use the collaborative model (2 days in class and 3 days at home)?

The collaborative model is a good option for parents interested in homeschooling, but want guidance and help from outside sources. There are parents who are considering homeschooling for the first time, but don’t know where to start. There are also parents who have been doing the work of homeschooling, and feel the need for some of the burden to be lifted from them without sending their child to a 5-day school. This model allows students a significant amount of time to learn under their parents, who know them more than anyone else, but also offers time for students to learn under qualified, caring, Christian teachers in a classroom setting with other peers. This collaborative model also helps to keep costs of tuition significantly lower than a private 5-day school.

What is expected of me as a parent in my child’s education?

As a hybrid school, there are three days out of the normal five-day school week in which students are expected to work on class work at home. Parents should structure their days accordingly. Coram Deo is intended to help families with the education of their children by providing curriculum and teachers. Our faculty is responsible for providing instruction, as well as assigning and grading work. While parents are not expected to be experts of a given subject in the curriculum, they are still expected to devote the energy and time necessary to work with their kids through the curriculum and read the assigned books during the at-home days.

Our family is catholic, can we attend Coram Deo?

Yes, you are welcome and encouraged to attend Coram Deo. We ask you to look over the statement of faith and consider if you agree with this statement. The school is Protestant but Bible believing Catholics are welcome to be a part of our community.

How much time can I expect to spend on school work on the at-home days?

The amount of time a parent spends on school work at home will depend on the age of the child. Generally speaking, parents will spend more direct time on school work with younger students (about 2 hours per day for k-2 nd grade) and decrease as they mature and become more independent.

How does your philosophy of education differ from other Christian schools?

Coram Deo offers curriculum based on a distinctly classical form of education. This means:

a) the assigned readings are focused heavily on the great works of the western canon

b) the curriculum follows the stages of the trivium (grammar, dialectic, and rhetoric)

c) the curriculum includes Latin as a subject of study.

For more information, see our page on Educational Philosophy.

Do you admit students from non-Christian families?

In order for a student to be admitted at least one parent must sign our school’s statement of faith in agreement that students will be taught according to its stated doctrines, and that parents must not undermine, subvert, or contradict them.

Do you accept school choice vouchers?

We are currently seeking accreditation recognition in order to eligibly receive school vouchers. While we intend to make ourselves available to those wanting to make use of the vouchers, we also recognize the possibility that a future administration may invalidate our accreditation status due to our statement of faith. Parents seeking to make use of the vouchers at Coram Deo would be wise to be aware of this possibility. We will do what is necessary to make ourselves available to receiving school vouchers, but we will not compromise on our biblical values as outlined in our statement of faith and educational philosophy.

Do families have flexibility in choosing their own curriculum?

Yes, to some extent. The collaborative model combines two days of classroom learning with two days of at home learning which is planned by Coram Deo teachers. The fifth day of the week is left open to the families as a “flex” day. This day can be used to rest, catch up on assignments, work ahead, or work on curriculum that is important to you as a family. Besides adding curriculum on the “flex” day, some families may add other subjects throughout the week as well.

Do families register with the state as home schoolers? 

Yes, until we are accredited as a school, families will choose one of the five options to legally homeschool in Iowa. These options can be seen and researched here.

What grades are you starting with and what are your plans for future growth? 

God willing, we hope to offer Kindergarten in Fall of 2023. We are exploring adding grades 1st - 7th for Fall 2024.

Are other schools in Iowa following a collaborative model?

Yes, one school with a collaborative model in Iowa is Two Rivers in Des Moines. They began several years ago and have an enrollment of about 250 students as of 2023. We have received help from their administration as we have been researching and taking the steps to open Coram Deo. Their website is available here.

What are the class sizes and teacher qualifications?

Our goal is to have a class size that is optimal for classroom learning which means that there are neither too few students nor too many students. Because we are a school startup a large class size is not likely to be a problem. We seek teachers who have Christ at the center of their lives, center of their thoughts and worldview, and who see education as one means to fulfill the task of making disciples and moving forward the Great Commission. We are careful to choose teachers who are the best possible for each age of students in the lower grades and for each subject in the upper grades. We look for teachers who have received a robust Christian education themselves and who are passionate about growing in their knowledge and ability as teachers. Teachers must also be knowledgeable about Classical Christian and Charlotte Mason education and growing in their ability to implement these philosophies in the classroom. We have not found that certification through a state agency is an accurate way to assess the accomplishment of these goals.

Do you plan field trips, class outings, and other opportunities to learn outside the classroom?

Yes! Our hope is to provide these learning opportunities for students. One of the beautiful features of this model is the “flex” day which is perfect for trips like these. Whether these experiences are arranged by the school or by interested parents, we hope to provide through the community opportunities for nature walks, zoo visits, visits to the jobs of parents, park times, trips to museums, etc.